Hidden Kitten

This page has been left intentionally kitten for fluffy purposes.

So the idea is this: should you be working on a website or print media or anything kitten’able, why not add a secret kitten to the proceedings and liven up your working day?

Place you kitten in the reflection of some glass, a background image, a secret post only found by searching or slap bang in the middle of the screen if you like.

Choose whatever kitten you fancy or if the mood takes, and space/getting-away-with-it is at a premium, utilise the Pixel Kitten, a 5×5 pixel graphic of ingeniously small proportions and looks a lot like this (with a black background)…


…or just like this (zoomed in on Photoshop) without a background…


…but smaller. Download transparent pixel kitten .png for use over whatever colour of your choosing (but really, really small).

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