WPF TreeView made easy (or not)

VB is not my strong point. I don’t care for it nor relish the thought of playing with it and yet with WPF it seems inevitable that I’ll have to dig my fingers into it. But not yet…

The TreeView control has been bugging me for as long as I’ve been using Microsoft Blend (about eight months (Z0MG!! thats, like, 4eva!!) and only today did I come across these two posts named Simplifying the WPF TreeView by Using the ViewModel Pattern & A versatile WPF TreeView control.

I’ve no idea if they work, and to be honest I’m not entirely sure I care, but there they are, just in case I (or you, dear reader) ever have to deal with them. They at least look as though they do what they’re supposed to…

Addendum / 9 Sept 10

Here’s an example from Microsoft to pore over.

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