Learnings, Makings & Thoughts
A patchwork of articles dating from 2009 and covering my time as a front-end web dev, visual designer, UX designer, tabletop gamer, and general maker of things.
BRPS' Great Survey 2018
These were last year's results of the Basingstoke Role Players Society survey that I send out every other year. If you're also running an RPG MeetUp group you might find them of interest.
Session Zero
Running a session zero for D&D 5e
UX Deliverable Fidelity
A quick table of research output types and level of detail needed
Dice Fishing (A Mini Game)
A quick and easy dice game you can drop into a session of your campaign
D&D Simple Creature Loot
A simplified way of generating loot for fallen creatures in 5e
D&D Easy Monster Building
Create a 5e monster on the fly using simple maths (and a little imagination)
D&D Encounter Building & CR Budgets
A simplified method of estimating how deadly your encounter could turn out based on CR budgeting
How to Create an SVG for the Web
Here's a very quick and easy guide to creating SVG files (such as I've used on this site) using Illustrator
Zap! Cryptonesia!
In which I discuss my disappointment at not becoming a 200WordRPG 2018 finalist and how I appear to have lifted the whole idea anyway
Zap! Atomic Ray Gun! RPG
An attempt to create a role playing game with only rudimentary knowledge of the pulp science fiction genre and RPG design
Whither the Weather Gods?
Unhappy with D&D 5e's functional-yet-number-heavy 'roll 3d20 +/- 1d4 for weather' rule I decided to take a more romantic approach and called upon the dammed gods to assist
Designing a Better DM Screen
Finished the proofs of my new DM screen but needs more work
Random Encounter Table
Creating a generic random encounter table to build story on the fly
So You Want To Be A Usability Testing Moderator
What advice would you give to someone completely fresh to usability testing?
Random NPC Name Generator
Quick reference table for building NPC names on the fly using 1d10 + 2d12 vowels and consonants
Behind My DM Screen
Organising your space at the table is different for every game master
Evernote and Notes in New Windows
Dungeon Master Tables (and Tall Tales)
I created my own set of DM screen tables for D&D 5e and this is where I ended up after two years.
QR Code Generator
Occasionally I like to create a QR code. I use this. You can too.
The blog is dead; long live the blog.
Wherein I start a new blog and yet completely fail to mention anything important
Basingstoke Bullets' Day of the Dead
Rugby World Cup 2015
I'm a gnu!
Copy Paste Character
Pixellated vectors in Illustrator CS6
Swarm! Premiere
Show/hide hidden files in OSX Lion (and Mountain Lion and (hopefully) Mavericks)
Naked CSS Day 2014
In other news…
QR Code Generator
Fundraising Gig Poster
Birthday Poster
Welcome the Howling Tones
The 147 W3C colour names. In a list. Arranged by colour.
Responsive email design
Further to my Designing for emails post from 2009, Campaign Monitor have released an article on responsive email design.
The Ukes of Westminster
Another Day...
Colour Chart
Clear DNS cache in OSX (Mac)
Project Management via Google Docs
Subversion OSX error with SCPlugin
Server certificate verification failed: certificate issued for a different hostname, issuer is not trusted
iOS & Windows UI/UX design guidelines
Useful :nth-child Recipes (via CSS Tricks)
When the (HTML5)Shiv goes down
Migrate your site with a 301 redirect
I are not machine
Font shorthand in CSS
ALA's survey for people who make websites
WPF inner shadow on border element
WPF TabItem control style
WPF TreeView made easy (or not)
Getting Apple's Magic Mouse to scroll on Windows 7
Working for yourself...
The CSS3 flexible box model of the Future
Style guides and the design thereof
Page templates in Textpattern
CSS 'content' attribute
IE6/IE7 z-index bug
Psuedo (class) selectors (in brief)
CSS3 compatibility (without the hacks)
Vertically centered/aligned layouts, Part I: Fixed height
Updated CSS/HTML test page
iPhone web development testing and the futility of emulators
IE6/IE7 HasLayout fixes
iPhone bookmark images
Styling Scrollbars in WPF
Happy Naked CSS Day!
WPF custom border radius
Floated Variable Width Columns
Yearly Copyright Update for Textpattern Sites
Table Zebra Striping with jQuery
IE7 table border spacing bug
Accesskey for Screen Readers (or not)
Standard Banner Sizes
Test page
Styling for the iPhone (and Other Portable Devices)
Firebug Alternative in Safari, Chrome, IE, & Opera
A Quick Blast of SEO
Sticky Footer
Clearing Floats (The Correct Way)
IE6 and inline-block bug fixes
Anchors, IDs, CSS Signatures and the Joy of Cleaner Code
Negative Margins (The Definitive Guide)
Designing For eMails
Firefox Extensions That Rock The Author's World
Web Accessibility Checklist
Driver Down
Working in real-time with EtherPad
Styling Inputs & Cross-Browser Compatibility
IE6, z-index and the problem with building nests
Hidden Kitten
Link Lists
CSS ReBoot
CSS Reset'ting
Peek-a-boo, PNGs, & the deplorable IE6
Ascii HTML Codes
Google Wave Announced
The Obligatory First Article
Book a FREE Consultation Today
Pick a day & time in the calendar that suits you for a 30 minute phone, video or in-person* meeting to run through your needs and explore options.
Please include a brief summary of your request along with any existing links, etc.
* In-person visits available in the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset and surrounding areas only